Interview to Frolic Mills co/CEO of BOSL

Everybody know what is BOSL for Second Life residents. It’s the brand that mean a Magazine, a Radio, and a wonderful organization for important events, like Miss Virtual World, over all.

The soul of this organization, with his partner Giela Delpaso, is Frolic Mills. An avatar name as a symbol of BOSL success. Virtual Worlds Magazine asked to Frolic to answer to some questions for better understand the secrets of this succes.

[6:06]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: good evening Frolic, thank you for accepting this interview.

[6:06]  Frolic Mills: hello, welcome to my home 🙂

[6:08]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: Frolic, our Magazine is interested in your activities in SL, to let italian readers to know better your initiatives.

[6:09]  Frolic Mills: ok, I’m ready to answer.

[6:09]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: we all know you as the CEO of BOSL and the organizer of Miss VW, please may you explain us better all these initiatives, their objectives and scope?

[6:13]  Frolic Mills: Ty Aquila for your question and interest in BOSL 🙂 The best of Second Life magazine started out as my personal diary of beautiful things that I saw around the grid. Back in 2007 there was little, if any, information regarding artists and all I could find were discoes and sex places, so I decided to make the beautiful arts known through my diary, which I named THE BEST OF SL. That was my goal back then and it still is now.

[6:14]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: a kind of diary of your life in SL

[6:15]  Frolic Mills: everything else I do, like MISS VIRTUAL WORLD, the radio, my malls etc were a consequence of the Magazine 🙂

[6:16]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: so that mean your most important activity is the Magazine, and the other activities, like Miss VW, are secondary, is that right?

[6:17]  Frolic Mills: not really, each acivity has its own importance but they were after the magazine started.

[6:17]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: to manage all these activities, I image you need a large team, don’t u?

[6:19]  Frolic Mills: yes – BOSL has over 50 employees and over 300 contributors that make it what it is. I always say that I am just an orchestra director, but I happen to be conducting the BEST orchestra there is, so that makes my work very very easy!

[6:20]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: do you mean that BOSL is a company with 50 employees and all this is in SL?

[6:20]  Frolic Mills: yes, it’s in Second Life.

[6:21]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: this is a very big team, for the SL standards, how did you create such a team? how much time it required?

[6:24]  Frolic Mills: like any business, I would start an activity, then make sure I understood how it worked and what made it successful, then I would train someone to help me to run it. Then after that position was full and running smoothly, I would open a new activity and so on .. has been quite fun!

[6:24]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: How do you manage all these employees?

[6:27]  Frolic Mills: we pay all of our employees – BOSL payroll is in lindens per month

[6:27] AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: that means that you have an economic activity, customers, sponsors, and so on … a real business here.

[6:27]  Frolic Mills: yes it is

[6:28] AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: who are your customers? Is your business based on advertising in the magazine, or you have other kind of business?

[6:31]  Frolic Mills: anyone who runs a business is a potential BOSL customer. My main business is marketing and advertising, but I am also a small landlord and we also represent many designers with boulevard agency.

[6:31]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: when did BOSL born, and how?

[6:32]  Frolic Mills: Oct 2007, in a litlle land that I had of 2048 mts.

[6:32]  Frolic Mills: the good old days.

[6:32]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: did u manage fashion activities?

[6:33]  Frolic Mills: yes – I was a model back then and quickly fell in love with all aspects of fashion in second life.

[6:34]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: Fashion is the engine of Second Life, don’t you think so?

[6:34]  Frolic Mills: yes I do – fashion and land are the biggest Second Life economies for sure.

[6:35]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: joined with sex, of course

[6:35]  Frolic Mills: yes, but you only buy a penis once or twice – not more.

[6:35]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: I think you’re right Frolic. So, to understand your path: you started with fashion activities, next enlarged the business, create the Magazine with known customer.s, and finally, you arrived at today’s management of the brand. Is this frame work right?

[6:38]  Frolic Mills: not really. When I started my magazine, I didin’t have any customer at all, and I didn’t care of that. This was just a project I wanted to do (with customers or not). It wasn’t always a business, nor did I open it to become one. It turned into a business, but that wasn´t my initial intention.

[6:39]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: so, at the beginning you started with a very little team, I image…

[6:39]  Frolic Mills: me and my friend Giela Delpaso, that was it 😛

[6:40]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: it’s incredible, what you was able to do Frolic…

 [6:40]  Frolic Mills: Thank you Aquila, I believe that love for what you do, and with passion, anything is possible in Second Life.

[6:40]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: so, fashion is not the only activity of BOSL is it?

[6:42]  Frolic Mills: no Aquila. My magazine and radio focuses on anything great happen in Second Life. Architecture, Scripting, Writing, Machinima, and many other types of arts.

[6:43]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: do you know the Italian residents? In the Fashion sector, for exemple, or in cultural activities. Do you have contacts with them?

[6:43]  Frolic Mills: yes, of course!

[6:43]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: what do u think of Italy in SL?

[6:44]  Frolic Mills: I know Mimmi Boa, my beautiful MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2009! And I know Soraya Baher, Sissy Pessoa and many other designers.

[6:45]  Frolic Mills: I think Italians have a very strong presence in Second Life and have brought many great contributions to Second Life.

[6:45]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: : I followed the last edition of Miss VW, and I remember that two italian girls arrived in the final phase.

[6:46] AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: may I ask you a personal question Frolic? Where do you came from?

[6:46]  Frolic Mills: I am from Venezuela.

[6:46]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: 🙂

[6:46]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: many Italians there.

[6:47]  Frolic Mills: yes, they are 🙂

[6:47]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: do you have other RL Job or you work full time in SL?

[6:47]  Frolic Mills: This is my main work.

[6:48]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: what message do you wish to send to our Italian readers? [6:49]  Frolic Mills: I am happy the Italians are here and all the wonderful contributions they have made to improving the quality of our Second Lives. May they flourish and proper 🙂

[6:50]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: 🙂

[6:50]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: the last thing …

[6:51]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: if you don’t mind, may I ask you a suggestion fo my magazine?

[6:52]  Frolic Mills: do it with love! If you do it because you love it and not so much because of money, you will always be fine!

[6:57]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: this is exactly what we do Frolic, no money nor sponsors. We all that work in the Magazine are volunteers.

[6:57]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: thanks for your time Frolic.

[6:57]  Frolic Mills: multo grazzie 🙂

[6:57]  AquilaDellaNotte Kondor: bye Frolic.


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