Amadeus (Machinima)

SpyVproductions in association with present:


Amadeus (Machinima)


Tonight, 12 August at 2pm (Second Life Time) a Machinima premiere at Versailles were presented.

Here is the Landmark

“Mozart is in a circle of respected composers explaining why he should be able to perform a vulger opera.”

It is said that Mozart began having problems with his reputation from this opera that satirized certain customs of the nobility. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart it is pure genius. This story it is only fiction about how Mozart really were.

The original scene happens on Schönbrunn Palace (imperial summer residence in Vienna, Austria.). As far Emperor Leopold I gave his architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach the order to design a new palace. Johann contemporary ideals tryed to top its role model Versailles. So as a producer (me) and since I dint found any Schönbrun…n Palace in-world, I thought the best approach it were the Versailles Palace.

Salieri struggles with the fact that he himself is rather mediocre, despite his desire to glorify God (though he did not recognize this mediocrity before he met Mozart), while Mozart is a genius while acknowledging no God other than his own desires. In the Peter Shaffer story (inspiration for the Amadeus movie).

Mozart arrives in Vienna with his patron, Count Hieronymus von Colloredo, archbishop of Salzburg. While Mozart Salieri secretly observes, the palace of the archbishop, without being presented to it, and one person perceives as irreverent and lascivious, while recognizing the immense talent of his works. In 1781, when Mozart is presented to the emperor, the young composer Salieri presents a “March of Welcome”, he had had some work to finish, this same meeting, Mozart shows for the first time his traditional childhood laughter, which is heard the rest of the movie. After hearing the motion only once, Mozart spontaneously “improvise” with the piece, without much effort, and turns the “game” of Salieri in the melody of the aria “Non più andra” from his opera The Marriage of Figaro.
Some fine research into Mozart’s annoying personality doesn’t really make up for the fact that the entire premise of this short of the original movie (that dont show this part) that Salieri loathed Mozart and plotted his demise is probably not true.
What about Mozart’s monologue to the Chamberlain, Prefect and Salieri?

Filmed on . Chateau de Versailles – Parterre d’Eau 1773 – Chateau de Versailles


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